Zack Smith, the Boy Scout who painted and constructed our Buddy Benches as part of his effort to achieve Eagle Scout status, and which will be dedicated this coming Friday, April 22nd @ 10:00 AM, at Everyone’s Playground, 875, University Avenue, Selinsgrove. And, those are only part of the number of benches to be placed. Zack did a remarkable job and we are very much in his debt.
Members of the Andy Russell Charitable Foundation Central PA Advisory Council and I hope as many as possible receiving this message will attend and be part of what promises to be a very special celebration. Another significant milestone in the development of Everyone’s Playground designed as a safe, comfortable and welcoming play space for those with special needs, disabilities and cognitive challenges.
Nestled in a grove of beautiful shade trees the benches add to the ambiance and attractiveness of the Playground and signal yet, again, the invitation to “… come, play, have fun and laugh.”
Upon arrival, you will observe members of the W&L Subaru Dealership busily spreading new special rubber mulch to refresh the old and planting trees to add to the existing grove. The cost of the mulch and trees are being underwritten by W&L which is another donation of the Dealership … one of our premier benefactors and sponsors.
So, come, join in the celebration — be one of the first to sit on a Buddy Bench and enjoy another new feature of Everyone’s Playground.
Fritz Heinemann